Chris Martin Facts – Coldplay – Biography
Chris Martin – Coldplay
Wonder Years
1) Chris Martin is Born on March 2, 1977
Chris Martin is the lead singer of the famous band, Coldplay.
He is born on March 2, 1977, and his full name is Christopher Anthony John Martin.
He establishes his band Coldplay with other members of the group.
2) Chris Comes from a Large Family
He comes from a fairly large family, and is the eldest in his family.
He has four other siblings.
He is born in the English town of Whitestone, Exeter located in Devon.

Chris Martin Fun Facts – Biography
3) He has a Humble Background with ‘Regular’ Parents
One might think with his amazing talents that Chris hails from a family submerged in the music industry.
However, his parents are a rather regular couple.
Chris’ father, named Anthony Martin, is a retired accountant.
Chris Martin’s mother has a musical background.
Alison Martin is a successful music teacher.
4) Where Did Chris Attend School?
As a child, Chris attends the Hylton School, and then goes on to attend the Exeter Cathedral School in his own district.
This preparatory school proves quite useful for Chris, as this is where he forms his first band with friends Nick Repton and Iwan Grow now.
5) His First Band is called the Rocking Honkies
The band they create is called The Rocking Honkies.
Their first performance is not a great success, and the crowd they are performing for are not impressed.
They are booed off the stage.
This is just the beginning of a series of ups and downs that Chris has to face.
6) Chris Martin Meets His Future Manager, Phil Harvey
After his schooling at Exeter Cathedral, Chris attends the Sherborne School where he lives on campus.
This is where Chris meets the future manager of his band, Coldplay.
Phil Harvey, who will eventually join Chris down the road as manager, is also studying at the school.
7) Chris is a Very Intelligent Student
He then studies at the University College London, where he studies Greek and Latin along with Ancient World Studies.
Chris is an intelligent student and hard working, and graduates with First Class Honors.
8) Chris Meets His Bandmates at the University College London
Chris Martin meets his future band members of his Coldplay band at the University College London.
He befriends members Johnny Buckland, Guy Berryman and Will Champion.
9) The Band Coldplay is formed in 1998
In the beginning of the year of 1998, Buckland, Berryman, Champion and Martin join forces and create a band together.
This band has humble beginnings but will eventually become one of the most famous bands in the UK and the US.
The band originally starts with the name Starfish.
10) The Band’s First Song is “Ode to Deodorant”
The first song the band play is named, “Ode to Deodorant”which has been written as a joke.
The band is quick to achieve success, and in the year 2000, they release their successful album, Parachutes.
11) Coldplay Release Many Successful Albums
Coldplay evolves rather quickly as a successful band.
They do not keep their fans waiting for long in releasing albums, and release many albums following their debut success in 2000.
These albums include A Rush of Blood to the Head, X&Y, Viva la Vida and most recently Mylo Xyloto.
12) The Name ‘Coldplay’ Is Second Hand
The band is called Starfish before adopting their current name, Coldplay.
Martin borrows the name Coldplay from a group who have decided that the name is too ‘depressing’ and have decided to change their name to something else.
13) Ideas Come to Chris Randomly and Suddenly
When Chris Martin is writing the song “Yellow”, he notices a copy of “The Yellow Pages”, the phonebook sitting near him.
He decides that the word ‘yellow’ fits nicely, both in the song and as the name of the song.
14) Coldplay are Noted as ‘Depressing’
Coldplay is notorious for its ‘depressing’ and soulful tracks.
Their initial debut album is to be called “Don’t Panic” but the group decides to change the name to something less depressing.
Therefore, the name “Parachutes” is picked.
Martin says that the parachute is used as a metaphor, in the sense that you are falling but with a parachute, you fall slowly and with a smooth landing.
15) The Songs Chris Martin Writes Have Emotional Backgrounds
As is the case with many songwriters, Chris Martin’s songs stem from an emotional experience.
His hit song “Speed of Sound” is written after the birth of his first daughter, Apple.
Chris says he tries to capture all of his feelings, which he experiences when he first sees his child.
The song “Fix You” is written for his wife, after the death of her father.
16) He is a Multi-Talented Musician
Chris is a talented musician, and plays a large role in his music group, Coldplay.
He is a songwriter, a pianist, and a rhythm guitarist, not to mention an amazing singer with a very soulful voice.
17) Chris Loves to Share his Talent
Chris also creates work on his own as a solo artist.
He has written songs for many different bands and singers, such as Embrace and Jamelia.
Chris believes in spreading talent and art, and does not shy away from sharing his words with others.
18) He works With Many other Artists
Chris works with Ron Sexsmith and Faultline.
You can hear his haunting voice in two of Faultline’s songs, “Where is My Boy” and “Your Love Means Everything Part 2”.
Martin also sings for one of the songs of the group Band Aid 20 in 2004.
19) He works with Nelly Furtado and Rihanna
He also works with most notable singers such as Nelly Furtado and Rihanna.
In 2005, he works with Furtado on the song, “All Good Things Come to an End.”
In Coldplay’s latest album, Mylo Xyloto, Chris sings with Rihanna in the song, “Princess of China”.
20) The Beginnings of Jay-Z and Chris’ Friendship
Although the band Coldplay primarily is a rock band, Chris also has a fascination with hip-hop.
He collaborates with Jay-Z in 2006 on his album,Kingdom Come.
Chris meets rapper Jay-Z earlier in the year and the pair decides to do some work together.
21) Chris Sings “Beach Chair” with Jay-Z
The song that Chris worked with Jay Z on is called “Beach Chair”.
The pair performs the song during Jay-Z’s European tour.
22) Chris Has Collaborated with Kanye West
He also works with Kanye West.
Chris meets with the singer in 2006 during West’s concert at Abbey Road Studios.
Chris sings the chorus of the song “Homecoming” which is part of the West’s album, Graduation.
23) Coldplay is Influenced by a Scottish Band
There are many influences on Chris’s work and how he performs his songs.
The main influence for Chris and his band is the Scottish band, Travis.
Chris says that this Scottish band is what influenced him and his band members to create their own group.
24) Chris is a Big Fan of U2
Another main influence on Chris is the famous band, U2.
For Chris, U2 has both a musical and political impact on him.
He states that although he may not attend their concerts and be ‘best friends’ with the group, he knows all the U2 songs by heart.
25) He Sings the Song “A Sort of Homecoming” to his Unborn Child
The song, “A Sort of Homecoming” which is a track on U2’s album, The Unforgettable Fire is one of Martin’s favorites.
He says he knows the song “backward and forward”.
He is so fascinated by this song that it is the song he sings to his daughter, Apple, before she is born.
26) Chris Follows Bono’s Footsteps
Chris is not just a fan of U2’s music.
He has been noted to have made similar charitable donations that Bono has had, and is quite active in the political scene.
Chris says this has been an influence of Bono’s work, and says that sometimes his friends will call him “Crono”.
27) He is Also a Big Fan of the Norwegians
Another band that has found its place in Chris’ heart is the Norwegian band, a-ha.
Chris says the group has amazing talent, and their songwriting is “incredible”.
When asked what groups have inspired him and what groups he listened to as a young man, Chris states that “The first band I ever loved was a-ha.”
28) The Band a-ha Influences Chris and His Band
Being a fan of a-ha, Chris also works with the group.
He performs a live song with Magne Furuholmen of the group a-ha.
Chris states that during the early days of Coldplay, the group would play a-ha songs.
29) Chris is a Fan of English and Canadian Artists
Chris also has a long list of English bands that he is appreciative of.
These include Oasis, Muse, Radiohead, Girls Aloud, and Take That.
He is also a fan of the Canadian band, Arcade Fire.
Appearances on Film
30) Chris Works in the Movies
The talented Chris Martin also appears in a film.
Along with the guitarist of the band Coldplay, Johnny Buckland, he appears in the movie, Shaun of the Dead.
Chris appears as a character who supports the charity, ‘ZombAid’ in the movie and also appears as a zombie in the movie.
31) He also Appears on Television Drama, Extras
Chris Martin also show his talents in the TV comedy series, Extras.
He has a cameo appearance in the series’ second season, episode four.
If you take a look during the closing credits of the movie, Bruno, Chris is singing along with Bono, Sting, Snoop Dogg and Elton John.
Social Work
32) Chris Works with Oxfam and Their Make Trade Fair Campaign
He is a big supporter of fair trade, and is very vocal about the issues surrounding fair trade.
He works together with the company Oxfam on their Make Trade Fair campaign.
Chris not only speaks out about fair trade, but he also visits the countries of Ghana and Haiti where he meets with farmers that suffer due to unfair trade.
33) Chris Supports the Fair Trade Cause
Chris uses his ‘status’ as a celebrity to bring attention to the fair trade cause.
To show his support for fair trade, he will write MTF or an equal sign on his hand, particularly during when he is performing.
He has also had “MTF” written in large letters on his piano.
34) Coldplay is the Opening Act at the Sound Relief Concert
In 2009, the Coldplay band participates in the Sound Relief benefit concert.
They are at the time touring Australia and are asked to be the opening act for the concert.
The concert is being held to raise funds for the bushfires and the floods that have occurred in Victoria and Queensland.
35) Chris Martin Raises Funds for Hurricane Sandy
In December of 2012, a concert is held as a fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy which is named, the “12 12 12 Concert”.
Martin performs three songs at the concert, one of which is his own, “Viva La Vida”, “Losing My Religion” with former REM singer, Michael Stipe, and “Us Against the World”.
The concert has many other performers such as Alicia Keys, Kanye West and The Rolling Stones.
36) Coldplay is a Philanthropic Band
Coldplay has an impressive policy about charity.
They give 15% of all the profit they make as a band to charity.
The ban is not interested in showing off their philanthropic efforts, and many times the money is simply given to charities the members have chosen.
Political Views
37) Chris Martin is Not a Big Fan of George Bush
Chris is very vocal about his political views.
He openly criticizes previous US President George W.
Bush and the war in Iraq.
He is a strong Democratic supporter and openly expresses his support of then nominee, John Kerry in his 2004 acceptance speech at the Grammy Awards.
38) Chris Gives a Shout-out to Barack Obama
In 2008, before the Presidential elections, Chris gives a shout-out to Barack Obama after he performs the song “Yellow” on the show, Saturday Night Live.
Chris has always been very open and public about his political opinions.
39) Chris and Gwyneth’s Marriage Begins with a Rumor
In 2002, rumors begin to spread that Chris and Gwyneth are dating.
However, Gwyneth explains that the two never meet during that time and only begin meeting due to the speculations and the rumors that were circulating about them.
When they do meet, it is‘love at first sight’.
40) Chris Martin Marries Actress Gwyneth Paltrow
Chris Martin, who has proudly stated that he acts a ‘simple’ man, has mentioned that he did one cliché ‘rock star’ thing by marrying a famous actress.
His wife, Gwyneth Paltrow is an acclaimed actress, and the two have been married for over 7 years.
41) The Apple of Their Eye
The couple has two children. The first is their daughter, Apple, who is born in 2004 in London.
The second child is their son, Moses, who is born two years later in New York City.
Apple has the middle name of her paternal grandmother and Moses has the middle name of his paternal grandfather.
42) The Pair Meet at a Coldplay Concert
Gwyneth attends a Coldplay concert, where Chris’ assistant visits her.
He states that due to the high amount of press and media attention about their so-called romance, he suggested the two meet.
So Gwyneth goes backstage, and as she puts it, “And, that was it.”
43) Many of his Songs are Written for His Wife
One of Chris Martin’s most famous and well known songs is “Fix You” which he writes for his wife.
Another song, which is less known, is specifically written for his wife on the birth of their son, and is titled, “Moses”.
The couple has been married for 7 years, which is longer than most celebrity couples are.
This is mainly in part due to the efforts of Chris and his preference to stay away from the media and paparazzi.
44) Their Marriage is Like Any Other Typical Marriage
Even though both members of the couple are celebrities and lead very busy and influential lives, the couple has a typical marriage.
According to wife Gwyneth, they have their ups and downs.
She says her husband Chris is a humorous man, and the two have become very good friends.
45) Chris Misses His Family When He’s on Tour
When Chris goes on tour for the first time after becoming a father, he states that he misses his children and his wife quite a bit.
However, spending time with the ‘boys’ has its own advantages, and gives Chris time to think and be the creative wonder he has become famous for.
46) He Loves Being a Father
The most favorite role Chris plays is being a father.
He enjoys nothing more than going home and being a father to his two young children.
He loves taking his children out for a fun day at the park or even for a simple walk.
Spending quality time with his family is on the top of his priority list.
47) Martin Supports His Wife
Although he is not a big fan of appearing in public with his wife due to the high volume of paparazzi that follows the famous actress, Martin still manages to travel to be with his wife during her book signings and launches.
48) Simon Pegg and Johnny Buckland are the Godfathers of Apple
Martin chooses his long-time friend Simon Pegg to be one of the godfather’s of his daughter, Apple.
The two meet in 2001, and become good friends.
Martin also appears in one of Pegg’s movies, Shaun of the Dead.
The other godfather
Personal Life
49) No Tobacco or Alcohol for Chris Martin
Chris is against smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and any form of drug use.
However, whenever he does something he considers to be ‘stupid’ or if he acts “like an idiot”, he will punish himself with drinking Vodka.
50) The World’s Sexiest Vegetarian
Chris Martin is a vegetarian, which his wife, Gwyneth who is a health fanatic, also approves of.
Others who are fans of Chris’ vegetarianism include the animal rights group, PETA, who name Chris the World’s Sexiest Vegetarian in 2005.
51) Chris and his Religion
As he grows up, Martin is raised a Catholic. However, since then, his interesting Catholicism has declined.
Though he is not a Catholic, he still believes in God, stating, “I definitely believe in God.
How can you look at anything and not be overwhelmed by the miraculousness of it?”
52) Chris Martin Wouldn’t Mind Zeus for a God
When asked about his religious views and how he grew up, Chris states that he went through a time of being very confused about religion and superstition, during his late teens and early twenties.
He says that he is still trying to clarify what exactly ‘God’ is, stating that he doesn’t know what ‘it’ is, but wouldn’t mind going for a version of Zeus.
53) Chris Martin is an Insomniac
Chris suffers from insomnia, and has also had sleep therapy to help with the issue.
He says that he just cannot seem to turn his mind off at night, which is when the most interesting ideas and inspiration will hit him.
Chris also suffers from repeated nightmares about performances, which do not go as planned and that disturb his sleep.
54) Listening to Loud Music is Dangerous
Chris suffers from tinnitus and has done so for many years, due to a history of listening to loud music when he was younger.
He works hard to bring awareness to the younger generation of today to be careful when listening to music, and also uses special headphones for his children to protect their ears.
55) Chris is Dangerous in the Kitchen
Chris is no doubt a multi-talented man, but one thing he does not try his hand at is cooking.
According to his wife, Gwyneth, Chris has tried to cook only twice and each time the the fire department has had to attend.
Gwyneth herself is a talented chef and has released a series of cookbooks.
56) Chris Martin Can Do it All
He is described as an amazing musician and songwriter.
He is also noted as avery caring father, taking out his children on fun day trips and walking them to school.
He is also a loving husband, staying strong and loyal in a celebrity relationship, which usually are quite difficult to handle.
57) Chris Likes to Eat Junk Food (Secretly of course!)
Chris’ wife, Gwyneth has a strong health regime that she ensures she and her family follows.
However, Chris has more than once treated himself and his children to a secret treat, such as chips or chocolate while they are out.
58) Chris Wants to Splurge on a House for Coldplay Members
At the beginning of 2013, Chris Martin decides to splurge on his fellow members of the Coldplay band and is set to buy a beautiful multi-million dollar home.
The house has a lot of room for the group to practice and will also serve as a place for the boys to relax while they are on tour.
59) Gwyneth Seems to Have the Upper Hand!
However, Gwyneth does not approve of the house or the inspection report, and so Chris does not go through with the deal.
Chris does not like to make unnecessary issues with his wife and family, and decides to search for another place for his band members.
60) Chris’ Favorite Things
Some of his favorite things include the color yellow and his favorite song is “Fix You.”
Chris (not surprisingly) enjoys singing, dancing, rapping and playing basketball.
His favorite book in childhood is “Sherlock Holmes Short Stories” compiled by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
A Fitness Freak!
61) Chris Follows a Strong Workout Routine
Chris, unlike other rock star artists, works hard to maintain his health and his body.
He has a strong workout routine that he makes sure to follow.
The 36 year old has a healthy body and being a vegetarian, he tries to maintain a healthy diet as well.
62) Jay-Z is Jealous of Chris’ Fitness Regime
Rapper Jay-Z, who is a good friend of Chris Martin, states that he is envious of how particular Chris is with his fitness and yoga routines.
Chris uses much of his fitness skills while entertaining on stage, as he is an energetic performer who enjoys dancing and moving around the stage constantly.
63) Chris Rejects Diet Coke and Gatorade
Chris and his band Coldplay are offered many contracts from large companies such as Coca Cola and Gap.
They are asked on numerous occasions to allow the use of their songs in commercials, but the group rejects these offers.
The Coca Cola Company asks the group if they can use their song “Trouble” in a commercial about Diet Coke, which the group do not agree to.
Gatorade also ask to use their song, “Yellow” in a commercial, which Coldplay also reject.
64) He Has a Personal Trainer
To help him stay on top of his fitness routine, Chris hires a personal trainer.
He is all too aware of how people tend to slack in their routines after a while, and wants to remain strict in maintaining his regime.
His trainer keeps him motivated.
65) One of the Richest Couples
The celebrity couple of Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow appear at number 14 on the list of the Richest Celebrity Couples.
Together they have a net worth of US$ 100 million.
Interestingly, even though Gwyneth works in the Hollywood industry and has a number of amazing films, Martin is the one who makes more money.
Due to the continuous success of his albums, Martin has a net worth of around US$ 60 million, whereas Gwyneth has a total of around US$ 40 million.
66) Chris and Gwyneth Splurge on a Beautiful Mansion
Being one of the richest coupes, it is no surprise that they decide to buy another house, this one in a beautiful neighborhood of Los Angeles.
The mansion is said to be worth around US$ 10.45 million.
The sprawling mansion is to be used for the couple while they are touring in the country or when they visit the city as a family.
It has six bedrooms and eight bathrooms.
The couple already owns another multi-million dollar house in London.
67) The Substantial Net Worth of Chris Martin
Chris Martin has a full pocket.
The talented English artist has a net worth of US$ 60 million.
However, if one were to take a look at Chris Martin, you may not recognize him as such a successful celebrity.
He enjoys going with a grungy look and prefers to keep away from the public.
With his band, Coldplay, he has won seven Grammy Awards, quite an accomplishment for an English band.
68) Chris Martin is one of the Richest Lead Singers in the World
According to a list of The Richest Lead Singers in the World, which is released in February 2013, Chris Martin is listed at number 51.
The internationally acclaimed lead singer has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world.
69) Many Artists are Vocal About Chris’ Talent
The multi-talented Madonna praises Chris Martin, saying, “Yeah he’s great! I think he’s incredibly talented.”
Another avid fan of Chris is the infamous Justin Timberlake.
Timberlake says that he would love to work with Chris Martin one day, possibly creating a duet with the Coldplay star.
70) Chris’ voice “Flows like Honey”
Many of us are aware of how delightful and soft Chris’ voice is.
However, in 2008, a group of female fans comments on a video posted on YouTube, and creates a consensus of what they think Chris’ voice sounds like.
The words cannot be more apt, with the fans describing the sound of his voice, which “Flows like honey.”
71) The Coldplay Members are Great Friends
Martin says that much of the group’s success has to do with their strong bonds and great friendship.
He states that the band has gone through a lot together, such as drug addiction and stressful criticism.
This is what brings the members closer together, and their bond is reflected in the way they make music together.
72) Chris Enjoys Being Invisible
Many celebrities enjoy the attention and being in the spotlight, but for Chris, he enjoys being invisible.
Many times people will walk right by him and his band members and not notice who they are.
Martin says that he enjoys the freedom, and will not want things to be any different.
73) Coldplay – A Democratic Republic
Similar to groups such as U2 and REM, the rock band Coldplay works as a democracy.
The profits received are shared equally amongst the band members.
Even though Martin writes most of the songs, the band believes they are a success as a whole, and want to be treated equally.
In photographs and interviews, Martin is careful to make sure that he is not the only one being targeted.
74) Chris Enjoys the Simple Things in Life
Chris likes to enjoy doing ‘simple’ things with his family.
Chris, along with his wife Gwyneth Paltrow will sometimes walk their two children, Apple and Moses, to school.
This is a rare time when Chris allows himself to be seen in public with his entire family.
He does not want to miss these opportunities with his children.
75) The Coldplay Members are ‘Tight-Knit’
The members of the rock band, Coldplay, never cease to surprise their fans.
They are recently noted to have taken up the hobby of sewing while on tour.
Chris says that the group has begun to create their own stage costumes while on tour.
He also states that the interesting hobby has brought the group members together.
76) Sewing the Seams Together – Martin Says Sewing Makes the Band “Feel Complete”
When asked why the band has decided to take up such a different hobby, Martin states that the sewing has made the band feel more “complete”.
He acknowledges that the hobby is a rather odd one for his group to have started now, but he says that creating their own costumes themselves gives them a feeling of “control” over their identity.
77) Keeping the Bonds Strong
Chris also states regarding his band’s new hobby of sewing that staying strong within the band is very important.
“When you are a big band and everyone is taking shots at you, the more things you can do together the better.”
78) Chris Martin Does not like to Get Too Personal
Chris remains quite cool and collected during interviews that ask about his band, his hobbies and his own interests.
The instant the interview begins to turn towards his personal life, Martin becomes fidgety and stumbles on his answers.
He does not handle persona questions well and would rather not be asked them.
79) Chris is Very Private about His Personal Life, But Still Loves His Wife!
Chris has been known to be very private about his life with his family, and is very secretive about the couple.
However, he is not afraid to show his happiness and his love for his wife.
When Gwyneth has to travel to the US for a book launch, Chris and his two children fly over to LA to be with her and show their support and love.
80) Coldplay Likes to Play Simple
The members of the rock band, Coldplay are still just a couple of simple boys at heart.
Their main transportation across London is a bicycle and they visit supermarkets just like any other local.
The members are also noted to take buses and the Tube, and are rarely recognized by other commuters.
81) Coldplay Won’t Play Until It’s Perfect
Martin and his band members do indeed share their music with their wives, but do not want them to hear the album or songs until they perfect them.
Chris says, “But the people you love, you don’t want to play them anything until you think it’s worth playing.”
82) Chris Martin Supports Young Readers
Chris is part of a song, whose creation is to help encourage people to work with the Book People Unite program.
Some other artists who also appear in the song are Regina Spektor, John Legend and Consequence.
The Book People Unite program is funded by the Reading is Fundamental organization, which provides books free of charge for young children.
83) Coldplay Stays True to Their ‘Old Fashioned’ Values
Coldplay is a very unique band. They sell millions of records, play in various venues all over the world and are one of the few UK bands to have received seven Grammy awards.
However, even though this band is well received by the public and has a strong image, they turn down offers from Gap and Diet Coke, stating that this goes against their ‘old fashioned’ values.
84) Chris Hides from the Paparazzi
Chris and his wife do not act like the typical celebrity couple.
Martin tries very hard to make sure that he is not seen by the paparazzi with his wife in public.
He enjoys being an unrecognized ‘normal’ person, and would rather be ignored than have his life invaded by the media and various magazines that are known to often discuss his wife and her accomplishments.
85) Chris Martin Doesn’t Own a Car
Although Chris is a very successful singer with millions in his pocket, he does not actually own a car.
However, he does not regret this and believes that he should not be driving a car.
He quotes Noel Gallagher, saying that “Singers just shouldn’t drive.
It’s a concentration thing, we’re dreamers.”
86) A No Drugs Policy is Strong in the Group
Martin and the other members of the band Coldplay are strongly against the use and abuse of drugs.
They have created a rule for the members, which states that anyone who is found using hard drugs “will be dismissed immediately”.
87) His Humble Beginnings Have Influenced his Desire to Support Important Issues
As a student at the University College London, and when he boards on his own at the Sherborne School, Chris survives on baked beans.
He has a soft spot for those who are going through hard times and he himself works hard to promote the poor, such as the farmers of coffee beans in African countries.
88) Coldplay Urges Fans to Give to Charity
On their website, Coldplay urges fans to buy a “Tree Tube” which is a hollow log from a website they have linked.
For every Tree Tube that is bought, the band plants a tree in their own forested area in Karnataka, South India.
The band not only asks fans to support charities but also supports charities themselves.
In this example, the band decides to work together with their fans in creating a more eco friendly environment in the village of Karnataka, South India.
89) Chris Likes to Be Unique in His Music, and Works Hard to do so
Chris always strives to be different, and there are no limits for him.
For his song, “The Scientist”, he manages to learn the lyrics to his song backwards! This is so that he can sing the lyrics normally in the video but have his body moving backwards.
He will work hard to create something that is visually stunning and a pleasure to hear.
90) Chris is Against the War
Like many celebrities, Chris Martin is an active anti-war protestor.
He performs at the anti-war concert in London, “One Big No” in 2003 to show his support for the anti-war movement.
He also speaks publicly against the previous US President Bush’s views and behavior towards the war in Iraq.
91) Chris Martin Wants Everyone to Know about Fair Trade
Chris is noted as wearing different colored tape around his fingers.
When asked about this interesting habit, Chris states that he does it to attract attention to the equal signs he has on his fingers, which stand for fair trade.
He wants to promote awareness in every way possible.
Interesting Facts
92) Chris Has Had Some Embarrassing Moments on Stage
Chris has his fair share of embarrassing moments.
One of the most embarrassing occurs while touring in Australia: Chris’ pants are ripped on stage in front of hundreds of fans.
However, as Chris is a very lively and charismatic man, he is able to pull through the stunt with humor.
93) Chris Has Great, Great History
Chris Martin has a rather influential background.
His greatgreat grandfather is the person who urged the English government to adopt daylight savings.
Thanks to Chris Martin’s ancestor, England gets to enjoy an extra hour of sleep during the year!
94) Chris Gets Special Attention as the Vegetarian of the Group
Chris is the only vegetarian in Coldplay.
Once before a performance, the band is served Beef Strogan off for dinner.
Chris however is served a separate meal, as he is a vegetarian.
The band and the employees that work for the band respect his wishes and are always prepared with a vegetarian alternative for Chris.
95) He Loves to Involve and Interact with his Audience
Chris is born to perform.
He is a very charismatic performer, and can entertain a large audience for a long period of time.
He also likes to interact with his audience.
During a performance of the song “Talk”, Chris takes the mobile phone of a random person in the audience and sings the song to the person who is on the other line.
96) Chris Is Not Afraid of Controversial Criticism
Many people criticize others who listen to Coldplay, in particular male fans of the band.
They are stereotyped as ‘gay’ if they listen to Coldplay songs.
When people ask about what he thinks on this, Chris Martin is not phased.
He replies in a cool and collected manner stating that he is not offended by this commentary.
He would be offended if his music was enjoyed by only a certain type or group of people.
97) Simplicity Breeds Creativity
Many of the creations of Chris Martin and the band, Coldplay, are created from very simple beginnings.
The album cover for their debut album, “Parachutes” is an amateur photograph of a globe.
The picture has been taken by a band member using a disposable Kodak camera.
98) Chris Has Made Previous Attempts at Creating a Band
Chris has always wanted to create a band, ever since attending preparatory school as a teenager.
A band that he tries to create with the current Coldplay guitarist, Jonny Buckland does not work.
They try to create a band together which they are going to call “Pectoralz.”
Fortunately, soon after, Coldplay comes into existence.
99) Chris is Arrested in 2003
Martin does not like the media or the paparazzi digging too deep into his personal life or following him around.
In the summer of 2003, Chris is arrested for attacking a photographer and is said to have tried to bash the windshield of his car.
100) Some of Martin’s Hobbies Have Proven Dangerous
In 2008, Martin takes up the hobby of trampolining, which causes him to injure his knee quite badly.
This injury delays the group’s world tour, and Martin is seen limping around due to the knee injury.
Chris is known to take up odd hobbies and interests once in a while.